Suffering from a low sex drive? Believe it or not, stress might be the cause. According to the American Institute of Stress, 90% of all health problems are related to stress somehow, including reproductive health.

A loss of libido - also known as a low sex drive - affects up to one in five men and at least twice as many women at some point in their life. But why?

Cause Of Low Sex Drive In Females

When you’re stressed out, your body goes through a series of changes that prepare what’s called your fight or flight response. As your body gears up to prepare your muscles for hard work, your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate increase. Because the body needs a lot of energy to fuel these processes, it simultaneously reduces the activity of non-essential functions - like your sex drive.

feeling sick from stress

Stress also makes the body command the adrenal glands to release the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is made up of the same building blocks that the body uses to make the sex hormone testosterone. Of all the human body’s sex hormones, testosterone has the largest impact on your sex drive. This means that the more cortisol your body produces, the less testosterone it can produce, which, in turn, lowers your sex drive.

There’s also the psychological consequences of stress to consider. When you’re feeling highly anxious or frazzled, you might feel unwilling to have sex or struggle to be mentally present during the act.

How to know if your sex drive is low

The natural spectrum of human sexuality is varied. Some people might be ready for sex multiple times a day, while others naturally have zero interest in sexual activity. So how do you know whether you’re suffering from a low sex drive?

The big clue comes from looking at your baseline. If your interest in sex has changed from what it usually is - let’s say that you used to want sex twice a week, and now you barely want it twice a month - that’s a big sign that you might be suffering from a low sex drive. If these changes have also been going on for six months or more and are beginning to affect your relationships or self-esteem, it’s time to get help.

Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Do note, though, that a low frequency of sexual activity isn’t a sign of a low sex drive. Sometimes, you’re just busy, despite your best intentions!

Here are some key symptoms to watch out for:

  • Little to no interest in sexual activity, including masturbation
  • Few to no sexual thoughts or fantasies
  • Disinterest in initiating sex
  • Difficulty getting pleasure from sex
  • Lack of pleasurable symptoms from genital stimulation

The consequences of low sex drive in men

A lack of sex won’t kill us, so does a low sex drive matter? The answer is yes. It can have damaging consequences for your mental well-being, especially in men. In our culture, masculinity is so tightly linked to sexuality that the loss of a man's sex drive can feel like a real psychological threat.

While 46% of women suffering from a loss of libido say they still feel very happy about life in general, only 23% of men say the same. The loss of your sexuality can feel very damaging, especially to male self-esteem. In addition to these psychological repercussions, mismatching sex drives can put a real strain on relationships, too. 

Treating low sex drive symptoms in male suffers

Now that we know the symptoms and effects of a low sex drive, what can we do to fix it? Well, there are multiple options, and they all depend on the cause of the problem.

Changing medications

Some medications can lower testosterone levels and thus your libido and prevent ejaculation and erections. Examples include treatments for cancer, certain pain relievers, antidepressants, and blood pressure medications. If your medication is affecting your sex drive, it’s worth talking to your doctor to explore alternatives.

Natural Testosterone therapy

Our team at Beat Fatigue have extensive experience at boosting testosterone naturally with dedicated programs that include boosting the adrenal system and balancing hormones naturally.


Sometimes the issue is psychological. If relationship troubles or mental health concerns are extinguishing the flame of your desire, one of our trained therapists at Beat Fatigue can help either in person or online.

Healthier lifestyle choices

If stress is the cause of your sexual dysfunction, proper stress management can go a long way in restoring your desire. Improving your diet, getting regular exercise and enough sleep each night, and practising techniques like meditation can all help.

If you are looking for specialised support with stress management in New Zealand, the Beat Fatigue team is the right choice. As leading experts in stress management and adrenal wellbeing, we have successfully helped hundreds of men over the years with these issues. We offer personalised treatments to improve your physical and mental well-being and our programmes include personalised epigenetics assessments which help to establish the root cause of your challenge. We also offer the Adrenal Fatigue Protocol, created by global stress and adrenal health expert Dr James Wilson, which can be a big help getting back your vitality and confidence. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact us at +64 (09) 488 0208.

Feeling down from time to time is quite normal and is part of the ups and downs of life. Why do you feel so down, though? This is an important question to answer if you have begun to worry about feeling down, or if you have been experiencing these feelings for a longer time than usual.

It’s important to remember that there could be a lot of reasons for feeling down. So, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question or remedy to the problem.

That said, there are some pointers and reasons that we can give regarding the question of why you feel so down.

Why Do I Feel So Down?

why do you feel so down

Why do I feel so down – this is a question that most of us will ask at least once in our lives.

Before going on to look at some of the reasons and causes for feeling down, it is important to also understand the symptoms you might be experiencing.

Common symptoms for feeling down and having a low mood include being sad, anxious, fatigued, unable to sleep, frustrated, angry, low in confidence, and no self-esteem.

Feelings like the above for a prolonged period of time, typically more than two weeks, could be a sign of depression.

It's also important to understand other symptoms of depression, as depression is different from feeling down. Examples of symptoms of depression include feeling hopeless, feeling like there is nothing to enjoy about your life, being unable to concentrate on normal things, and having suicidal or self-harming thoughts.

Other Things That Can Make Your Feel Down

Let’s now look at some of the other things that could answer your question: why do you feel so down?

  • Hormones – there are a number of glands in your body that produce hormones, including the thyroid and adrenal gland. These hormones influence your body in a range of different ways, including influencing your mood.
  • Vitamin D – a deficiency of vitamin D in your body can lead to you feeling down. A lack of vitamin D has also been linked to depression.
  • Stress – our natural response systems to stress are designed to deal with acute situations that are time-limited, i.e., dealing with the stress of being faced by a wild animal or a territorial rival. In the modern world, however, the stresses we face are very different. There are many of them, they can come all at once, and they are often constant, resulting in situations where it becomes difficult to take a break from the stress to recover. This type of situation can have a significant impact on mood, making you feel down or even causing depression.

What You Should Do If You Are Feeling Down

There are many solutions and things you can do to improve things if you are feeling down – in fact, as many things as there are causes for the feelings in the first place.
More important than the solution, however, is properly understanding why you feel the way you do. Having this understanding and then getting the right advice is the key to getting back to full energy levels and feeling happy again.

What Are Hormones?

Your hormones can influence every aspect of your wellbeing, including your physical, mental, and emotional health. Hormones impact mood, weight, appetite, energy levels, and much, much more. 

There are many steps you can take to maintain a natural hormone balance, but one of the most important is to ensure you eat a diet that promotes regular hormone production.

So, what are hormones? Hormones are molecules usually described as chemical messengers or signal molecules. They are secreted from your endocrine glands into your bloodstream, where they are then carried to your organs and other parts of your body.

Healthy Hormones

In other words, hormones help organs and tissues in your body communicate, while influencing both physiological regulation, such as digestion and metabolism, and behavioural activities, such as mood, stress, and sleep.

Imbalanced hormones can affect you in a range of different ways. You might put on or lose weight, you might feel depressed or anxious, and you can feel fatigued. Low libido, irregular periods, digestive issues, and poor skin are other potential indicators of hormonal imbalance.

Diet for Hormonal Imbalance

Are you wondering how to balance your hormones, or do you want to know what you can do to fix hormonal imbalance? For many people, a key part of keeping hormones balanced is to eat a healthy diet. Here are seven tips to help you refine your diet in a way that promotes hormone balance.

How To Balance Hormones

Whether you want to be happy again, to have a higher libido, to feel less anxious, or for any other reason related to your hormones, the seven tips below will help you create recipes and a diet for hormone balance.

  1. Eat enough protein every day – there are amino acids that your body needs, but it can't make on its own. It gets these amino acids from protein. Eating protein can also help control your appetite and increase your metabolism. So, protein should be a key part of your diet. Ideally, you should eat protein-rich foods with every meal.
  2. Eat three meals a day and diet sensibly – skipping meals, drastically reducing calorie intake, and focusing heavily on counting calories are all things that can throw your hormones out of kilter. To stay healthy and to keep your hormones balanced, you should focus on cutting portion sizes rather than counting calories, and you need to eat three meals each day.
  3. Carbohydrates are okay, but refined carbohydrates and sugar are not – sugar and refined carbohydrates impact your health in a range of different ways, including hormone balance. So, the diet you create for hormonal imbalance should drastically cut back or completely eliminate refined carbs and foods with added sugar.
  4. Eat organic foods – pesticides can disrupt your hormones, so eating organic foods can help. It's also best if you eat organic meat, milk, cheese, etc, as they will be free from the growth hormones that are often given to farmed animals.
  5. Eat healthy fats – instead of reducing all fats in your diet, make sure you are eating healthy fats. Examples include flax seeds, eggs, soybeans, walnuts, and fish. However, you should avoid partially hydrogenated fats and trans-fats.
  6. Eat plenty of vegetables every day – most advice on how to balance hormones naturally includes eating plenty of vegetables. Broccoli, leafy greens, and root vegetables are particularly beneficial.
  7. Eat fibre-rich foods daily - fibre is important to all healthy diets, but it plays a role in hormone balance too.

How to Balance Hormones to Lose Weight

Many people want to know how to balance hormones in order to lose weight. Many of the tips above will help, including reducing sugar, refined carbohydrates, and partially hydrogenated fats. Eating more fibre and vegetables can help too.

Other steps you can take to achieve hormonal balance with the specific goal of losing weight include:

  • Drink green tea as it can reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Get enough sleep each night to maintain leptin, a hormone that reduces your appetite by making you feel full.
  • Meditate and do other things to manage stress levels as stress produces a hormone called cortisol, which can lead to overeating.
  • Exercise regularly, particularly if you are a woman, as exercise can help to normalise estrogen levels. This is important as you can gain weight if your estrogen levels are too high or too low.

How to Balance Hormones for Overall Wellbeing

Sometimes the answer to the question of how to balance your hormones is to seek professional advice and guidance, particularly if you are suffering from a medical condition. A qualified and experienced professional will be able to determine the main causes of your hormonal imbalance by using a quiz and asking you questions.

You may also need hormone balance supplements like magnesium, aloe, glutamine, and curcumin. Vitamins A and D can also help to balance hormones.

When it comes to diet, though, there is nothing strange or radical about diets that promote hormonal balance. Essentially it involves eating a balanced diet that avoids refined carbohydrates, sugars, and trans-fats, replacing them with good carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and fibre-rich foods.

Call us to arrange your customised plan on +64 (09) 488 0208.

Low Energy And Lacking Motivation

Constantly feeling low on energy and lacking in motivation can have a serious impact on your quality of life and overall wellbeing. Dealing with energy and motivation issues is not easy, however. This is because there are many answers to the question of how to increase energy and motivation.

It depends on everything from your lifestyle to your diet, as well as other factors that impact your life. You may also be suffering from a physical condition such as adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue.

Any of these factors can leave you asking why I have no energy, why do I have trouble sleeping, why am I not motivated to do anything, or why am I always sick.

How to Increase Energy and Motivation

why are my energy levels low

In a lot of cases, the best approach is usually to thoroughly investigate the causes of your low energy and motivation levels. Once the cause is properly understood, it will then be possible to make changes in your life that will produce a positive impact.

There are other, more general, areas you can look at too.

Why Are My Energy Levels Low?

Let’s start by looking at some reasons why you have low energy levels. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • You might be suffering from adrenal fatigue or chronic fatigue
  • Your diet could be impacting your motivation and energy levels, particularly if you eat a lot of sugary and/or processed foods
  • A food sensitivity could also be the cause of your lack of motivation or energy levels
  • The high levels of stress you are feeling could be another cause

Why Am I Having Trouble Sleeping at Night?

What about being able to sleep through the night? Are you asking: “why am I having trouble sleeping at night”? Here are some possible answers:

  • You’re getting sleep, but it is poor-quality sleep
  • You are suffering from a medical condition that is affecting the way you sleep, particularly the quality of your sleep
  • You are feeling high levels of stress
  • The food and drink you consume before you go to bed could also be having an impact

Why Do I Have Trouble Sleeping?

What about if you have trouble getting to sleep in the first place. Some causes include:

  • Your bedtime routine doesn’t facilitate going to sleep
  • Again, food and drink that you consume prior to going to bed could be making it harder for you to fall asleep
  • Looking at screens, particularly those on phones and tablet devices, can impact your ability to quickly fall asleep once you get into bed
  • The alcohol you are drinking before you go to bed could also be the issue

10 Ways to Increase Energy and Motivation

So far, we’ve looked at some of the most common causes of low energy and motivation levels. However, what can you do to change the situation? How can you increase your energy levels? How can you become motivated again?

Everyone is different, and you may need a customised and structured approach. The following 10 tips are a good guide, though:

  1. Eat a healthy, energy-packed breakfast to set you up properly for the day. Also, make sure the breakfast you eat isn't too carb heavy. Instead, eat a more balanced breakfast, making sure you include foods that are high in protein. Examples include eggs, meats, nuts, yoghurt, and fish.
  2. Go to bed earlier. This will help ensure your body gets the sleep it needs every night.
  3. Simplify your day-to-day tasks, especially those associated with high levels of stress. A good example is your morning routine. Rather than frantically trying to get everything sorted before you need to leave each morning, do as much as you can the night before.
  4. Set small, achievable, and measurable goals. For example, don't jump right in aiming for a good finishing time at your next local marathon event if you have no experience running. Instead, start with shorter distances and build up over time.
  5. Move more. You should exercise too, of course, but generally moving more each day can also help. Walking instead of driving and taking the stairs instead of the elevator are good examples.
  6. Take steps to reduce feelings of stress. Examples include exercising, meditation, practicing breathing exercises, mindfulness, etc.
  7. Focus on your successes and accomplishments instead of slip-ups and failures. After all, you've probably done a lot to be proud of. Also, remember that every slip-up and failure is an opportunity to learn.
  8. Establish a routine, particularly in relation to areas where you feel you lack motivation.
  9. Limit your caffeine intake. Remember, caffeine can temporarily boost energy, but this is then usually followed by a low.
  10. Stay hydrated as becoming dehydrated can have a significant impact on your energy and concentration levels.

Getting a Deeper Understanding

There is usually no single solution to increasing energy levels and motivation. Instead, the best results are achieved by taking a holistic approach, starting with getting a clear understanding of the main causes.

Always remember, though, you don’t have to live with low energy or motivation levels. With the right guidance, advice, and support, you can boost both.
Low energy levels or trouble sleeping could be an indication of something more serious such as adrenal fatigue. Take our free online adrenal fatigue test or book a free 15 minute phone consult now.

Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue can be very debilitating. It is also often a frustrating condition to suffer as it can be difficult to diagnose. Plus, without proper diagnosis, you won't get the right treatment. This means you might try things, from physical therapies to medicines to mental therapies, with minimal impact.

Once you have a proper diagnosis, however, you can start taking steps to cure your adrenal fatigue.

The first step, though, is understanding the condition, particularly if you are wondering "is adrenal fatigue real". It is very real, and the experiences of past and present sufferers are a testament to this fact. So, what is adrenal fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is related to your adrenal glands. They are above your kidneys and are responsible for producing hormones that help your body deal with the stress of day-to-day life.

When your adrenal glands don't function properly, you can suffer from symptoms known as adrenal fatigue.

Signs of Adrenal Fatigue

Looking out for the signs of adrenal fatigue is important as the earlier they are recognised, the quicker you can take steps that will get you back to your normal levels of energy and activity.

It's not always easy to spot the signs of adrenal burnout, though. You can function as normal, you probably don't feel particularly ill, and you are sleeping at night.

However, you still don't feel right, not least because you are still tired after waking up from a full night's sleep. This is one of the signs of adrenal exhaustion. There are other adrenal fatigue symptoms to look out for too.

Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms

  • You need to drink lots of coffee or energy drinks to keep you going throughout the day
  • You feel tired mid-afternoon (and sometimes mid-morning) to the point you can barely keep your eyes open
  • You experience feelings of not being able to cope
  • Getting up in the morning is difficult and you feel tired throughout the day, although you are completely alert and energetic in the evening
  • Bouncing back from illness is more difficult than normal
  • You have unexplained weight loss
  • You crave sugary or salty snacks more than usual

Adrenal Fatigue, Diet, and Other Factors

So, what causes adrenal fatigue? This varies from person to person, but factors that can contribute to adrenal fatigue include diet, toxins in your systems, stress, relationship issues, and more.

All these things will be considered when you undertake an adrenal fatigue test.

This involves physical tests including hair follicle assessments, blood oxygen tests, and thyroid tests. Adrenal fatigue specialists will also want to find out about your lifestyle and current personal circumstances to get a better understanding of your condition and how best to cure it.

10 Ways to Cure Adrenal Fatigue

  1. Change your diet – this is mostly about eating a balanced diet while also cutting out processed foods as much as possible. This is particularly important for foods like sugar, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates.
  1. Eat regular meals throughout the day – skipping meals or eating at greatly varied times throughout the day can impact the function of your adrenal glands. So, eating your meals at regular time intervals can help. Breakfast is particularly important. It's best to eat your breakfast within an hour of waking up. Also, don't eat on the go. Instead, sit down, take your time, and enjoy your meals.
  1. Exercise – exercise can help with adrenal fatigue, especially if you are not currently getting much exercise. It is usually best to only do low-impact exercise, however. Walking and yoga are ideal.
  1. Get a better night's sleep – if adrenal fatigue is interrupting your sleep or causing poor quality sleep, you will need to take steps to address this. Switching off screens at least an hour before you go to bed, getting into a bedtime routine, and going to bed earlier can all help.
  1. Supplements – one contributing factor to your adrenal fatigue might be the fact that your body is not be getting all the vitamins and minerals it needs. Therefore, taking supplements, particularly those specifically developed for adrenal fatigue treatment, can help.
  1. Manage stress and anxiety – most adrenal fatigue experts believe the condition is often related to stress and anxiety. Therefore, it helps to take steps to manage your stress levels and deal with anxiety.
  1. Meditate – following on from the above point, meditating can help you deal with both stress and anxiety. It is also relaxing and can help you think more clearly.
  1. Practice deep breathing exercises – deep breathing exercises help to regulate the functions of your body, so they can have a direct and positive impact on adrenal fatigue.
  1. Disconnect from your devices – a lot of us spend far too much time with our devices, whether it is browsing the internet, scrolling through social media, online shopping, streaming movies, texting, or playing games. Too much tech is unhealthy, though. So, you can help your adrenal fatigue symptoms by disconnecting from your devices to spend more time in real life.
  1. Spend more time outdoors – spending more time outdoors, especially if you get out into nature, is good for exercise and your mental wellbeing, and it reduces stress.

Customised Approach

The above 10 cures for adrenal fatigue are all important, but the most important part is getting a customised plan that addresses your personal situation. This approach is the fastest way to getting back your energy levels again. Call us to arrange your customised plan on +64 (09) 488 0208.

Why Am I So Tired After 8 Hours of Sleep?

Are you asking the question: “why am I always tired and have no energy?” Maybe you are wondering: “why am I so tired after eight hours of sleep?”

These questions are more common than you think. People suffer from fatigue for a variety of reasons and there is a range of different causes.

It can be frustrating waking up after a full night’s sleep still feeling lethargic, particularly when you often sleep for the recommended seven or eight hours a night. After all, sleep is supposed to be the cure for tiredness, so you should feel rested after a good night sleep. What happens when sleep stops being effective, leaving you always tired and with low levels of energy?

why am i always tired

Sometimes an underlying health condition is the source of an issue with ongoing tiredness, which you should see a doctor or trusted medical professional about.

The answer is to find out the cause of your tiredness. Below are some of the most common causes that people find. If you think you might be suffering from a disease or medical condition listed below, such as diabetes, depression, or chronic fatigue syndrome, come and talk to our team of specialists at Beat Fatigue.

You Are Suffering from Adrenal Fatigue

Your adrenal glands are located just above your kidneys. They are responsible for a range of functions in the body, regulating many through the production of hormones. They influence blood pressure, metabolic activity, mood, energy levels, glucose production, sexual libido, and more.

Reasons For Being Tired

If your adrenal glands don't function properly, the tiredness you are experiencing could be the result of adrenal fatigue. Other symptoms of this condition often include craving snack foods, having energy after 6 pm but not during the day, and getting overwhelmed by things you would normally be able to cope with well.

You Are Suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue can be debilitating. As well as always feeling tired even after a good night's sleep, you may also be experiencing memory problems, pain, night sweats, a sore throat, or sensitivity to things like odours, noise, or foods.

There is usually no single cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. Instead, this disease is brought on by a range of factors including stress, having a compromised immune system, nutrition, environmental factors, and more.

Your Diet Health

The foods you eat can affect your energy levels and feelings of fatigue. This particularly applies if you eat too many processed carbohydratess. What you eat closely ties in with what you do with your body. If you are not taking the time to exercise but are eating a lot of processed foods, your body will just be sitting with those unhealthy components getting into your blood and not processing properly.

Levels of blood sugar in your body rise quickly when you eat processed carbohydrates, causing your pancreas to produce insulin. This brings your blood sugar levels back down, but it also makes you feel tired and fatigued.

So, what do you do? Often, the solution is to consume more processed carbohydrates to make yourself have an energy boost. However, this just starts the rapid rise and fall of blood sugar to occur again. Doing exercise and eating better will boost your energy levels.

People with diabetes are particularly sensitive to too much sugar in the blood. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your pancreas does not produce enough insulin and type 2 diabetes occurs due to the way your body processes glucose. Diabetes is a disease that requires daily management. If you think you might have it, talk to your doctor.

You should instead work out what foods are best for your body. Proteins such as tofu, beans, eggs or meat, and produce like fruit and vegetables, will generate more sustainable energy in your body. Try to replace processed carbs with healthy carbs like potatoes, kumara or rice. There are lots of great recipes out there to make healthy food tasty!

You Have Anaemia

Anaemia is a disease that occurs when your red blood cells are low, which can make people experience fatigue and weakness. If you have anemia, you might also feel less alert and have difficulty concentrating.

This is especially common among vegetarians and vegans who do not eat enough food with iron. Try to integrate more leafy greens into your diet (they are good for your health anyway!) and if that doesn't work, see a professional.

You Don't Sleep Verywell

Most people need at least seven hours of sleep a night, but the length of time you sleep is only one part of feeling fresh and energetic when you wake up – you also need to get good quality sleep.

There are lots of different causes of poor-quality sleep, from medical conditions to using your phone in bed to being stressed. 

How do you know if you are always getting poor-quality sleep? Common indicators include it taking you a long time to fall asleep when you go to bed (more than half an hour) and waking up more than once during the night. Another indicator is if it takes you a while to fall asleep again when you wake up during the night.

You Have a Food Sensitivity

Food sensitivities present themselves in people in a range of different ways. They can cause rashes, headaches, stomach problems, and itchiness, for example. However, one often overlooked impact of food sensitivity is fatigue.

It's important to say fatigue doesn't occur in everyone who has a food sensitivity. But reactions to food can take a lot of your body's energy, which can make you feel sleepy a lot of the time. If you have any ideas about what foods are the cause, you will need to alter your diet to avoid the problem

You Are Feeling High Levels of Stress

Stress can impact your feelings of fatigue in a range of different ways, not least by reducing the quality of sleep you get each night.

How you deal with excessive stress also has an impact on how tired you feel. Studies have found that if you avoid doing anything about it, you are at greater risk of feeling exhaustion. Therefore, it's important to manage stress.

You Suffer Fatigue From Sleeping at the Wrong Time

Some people have to sleep during the day because they work shifts. If this applies to your situation, you will need to get advice on strategies you can use to reduce your levels of fatigue.

If you can sleep during nighttime hours but don't, this could be the cause of your fatigue. Your body is designed to follow a sleep pattern where you sleep at night. So, changing the time you go to bed can help.

Your Mental Health

Sufferers of depression and anxiety conditions commonly experience symptoms of tiredness. Depression is a psychological health condition that causes ongoing sadness, loss of interest, and feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. It can occur among people at any age and from any background.

The symptoms of depression can be exhausting to deal with on a day-to-day basis. The mind is a powerful thing, and can, unfortunately, cause severe tiredness as a by-product of other symptoms from mental health disease. If you are suffering from depression, it is worth putting in the time to see your doctor about ways to make it better.

Some things you can do to alleviate mental health conditions include self-care and physical exercise. Improving your physical health will, over time, boost your energy and make a difference to your mental health.

You Have A Serious Condition

It is unlikely that your fatigue is caused by a serious disease, but it is important to be aware of all possibilities. Some serious conditions that cause tiredness that you should get in touch with a professional about include cancer and heart disease.

Do not immediately jump to the conclusion that these worst-case scenarios are the root of your tiredness. It only makes sense that serious conditions will trial the sufferer's immune system, resulting in fatigue symptoms. 

Understanding Why You Are Always Tired

Exhaustion is never fun and if you find yourself suffering from fatigue on a chronic level, it is time to start investigating interventions.

There are some things you can do on your own to beat tiredness. Cut down on alcohol and caffeine to regulate sleep better. Start doing more exercise, like going to the gym or walking. These tips might seem like they won't help in the short term, but long term you will see a massive difference. 

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will not only improve fatigue symptoms but will also protect you from disease and help you maintain a healthy weight. Study up on what exercise routine might work for you.

While the above will give you a better understanding of the things that can make you feel tired even when you are getting enough sleep, it’s important to remember that everyone is different.

It can also be difficult to diagnose yourself as the causes of tiredness, fatigue, and low levels of energy can be challenging to pin down. The best approach is to get professional advice, assessment, and diagnosis as well as guidance on what you can do to restore your energy.

Your doctor may go over some of the points raised in this article and conduct a simple blood test to determine whether a physical health condition or disease is contributing to your fatigue.

At Beat Fatigue, our on-site specialists are here to help you get to the bottom of your fatigue symptoms. Get in touch with us today!


Are you looking for a fatigue solution in Ponsonby? At Beat Fatigue, we offer assessments and recovery programmes to alleviate fatigue and help you overcome feelings of tiredness or exhaustion.

Our programmes are available if you suffer from chronic or adrenal fatigue, and they are suitable if you feel overwhelmed. The aim of our programmes and our fatigue specialists is to give you more energy so you feel ready and able for anything.

The process starts by booking a free 15-minute consultation with a member of our team. Make your booking now.

Cell Wellbeing Test in Ponsonby

There are three steps to overcoming fatigue and getting your energy levels back again. The first is to complete assessments so we can find out more about your health and learn more about your diet, levels of stress, sleep patterns, and more. This will help us determine the things that are causing you to feel fatigued.Fatigue Solution Ponsonby

We offer four tests, including a Cell Wellbeing Epigenetics test, at our clinic in Takapuna, close to Glenfield. This is a hair follicle test that assesses more than 800 factors. This produces a report with recommendations in just 20 minutes using a system approved by the FDA in the US.

Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue Test in Ponsonby

We also offer thyroid and adrenal tests if you are in Glenfield. The thyroid test is called the Thyroflex Thyroid Test. It shows the level of thyroid activity in your body and takes minutes to complete. Your energy levels will be impacted if you have an underactive thyroid.

Other Tests and Assessments

The other assessments we can carry out include:

  • Personalised questionnaire – to find out more about your physical and mental health and wellbeing.
  • Blood Oxygen Test – the same test as blood oxygen tests carried out in hospitals. The objective is to make sure you have enough oxygen in your blood. Not having enough can impact your energy levels.

If calling into our clinic is not convenient, we can conduct some of the tests by courier.

Energy Boosting Programme to Beat Your Fatigue

Once we have completed your assessments, our experts will create a personalised energy-boosting programme. This programme covers diet and exercise as well as lifestyle habits you should adopt. This includes meditation and other things that boost your energy, reduce feelings of excessive tiredness, and help you deal with stress. You'll also get information on "toxic factors" you should avoid.

Depending on your personal situation and what is revealed in your assessment, we may also recommend you meet with our Advanced Mind Therapy practitioners. They will help you deal with stress, anxiety, trauma, and negative thoughts, and they will help you to live more positively.

Maintaining Your Energy Levels

Once you have overcome fatigue, your goal should shift to maintaining your energy levels to avoid any slippage back to a fatigued state. We’ll provide you with a maintenance plan that will help you achieve this.

Let’s start your journey back to high energy levels today. Book your free consultation with a Beat Fatigue specialist.

The first step to dealing with fatigue and persistent exhaustion is to find out the cause. As a result, we offer comprehensive cell wellbeing and fatigue tests close to where you are in Glenfield – our clinic is Takapuna.

We do a range of tests, including a comprehensive hair follicle assessment that analysis over 800 different factors that can influence your levels of fatigue and tiredness.

The specific test we use is called the Cell Wellbeing Epigenetics Assessment. It is a test developed in Germany that uses a system that is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. It also has an excellent track record of success. Plus, because the test analyses hair follicles, you will not feel any discomfort.

Do you want to find out more? We can give you all the information you need as well as other details on how we can help you overcome fatigue in your first consultation. This consultation lasts 15 minutes and it’s completely free! Book today.

Thyroid and Adrenal Fatigue Test Glenfield

We also offer Thyroid and adrenal fatigue tests at our Takapuna clinic, close to Glenfield. These tests check the activity of your thyroid and adrenal gland to make sure they are producing normal levels. If they are not, these glands could be one of the causes of your feelings of fatigue.Cell Wellbeing Test Glenfield

Blood Oxygen Tests

Another physical factor that can cause you to be fatigued is low blood oxygen levels. Therefore, we have a test that determines the amount of oxygen in your blood. This is the same test that is used in hospitals, so it’s highly accurate. Find out more today.

Personalised Questionnaire

Your body’s cells, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, and blood oxygen levels are not the only things that can cause you to feel fatigued. There are other physical factors, mental factors, wellbeing factors, and environmental factors that can also have an impact.

We will get some of this information with our cell wellbeing test, but we also have a personalised questionnaire that we will ask you to complete. The answers you give in this questionnaire give our fatigue specialists crucial information to help them develop a personalised programme that will overcome your fatigue.

Book Your 15-Minute Free Consultation

Those feels of fatigue and extreme tiredness or exhaustion don’t have to be your day to day normal. You don’t have to always feel run-down or struggling to cope. Life can be fun again, and we can help.

Book a free 15-minute consultation with a member of our team so we can help you overcome fatigue and get your energy levels back.

Energy Boosting Programme and Maintenance Plan

The results we get from your assessments and tests will enable our specialists to create a personalised fatigue beating programme and maintenance plan. The aim is to boost your energy levels as soon as possible while giving you the knowledge and tools you need to ensure you don’t slip back to a fatigued condition again.

The first step on your fatigue beating journey is free! Book your free 15-minute consultation with a member of our team today.

Are you looking for a fatigue treatment in Devonport? Do you want to find specialists offering fatigue treatment solutions close to the Devonport area? If so, we can help at Beat Fatigue. Our clinic is in Takapuna, so is close to where you are. Plus, we have extensive experience helping people like you overcome fatigue and get their energy levels back again.

We do this by taking a personalised approach to beating fatigue. This includes completing comprehensive tests so we can understand more fully the reasons for your fatigue. This is essential as everyone is different.

There are common causes of fatigue, of course, but some may not affect you. We need to find the exact causes of your fatigue as well as the severity of those causes before we can help you start feeling like yourself again.

Our personalised approach to helping you beat fatigue also involves creating a custom programme for you to follow. This programme will cover your physical and mental health and looks at things like your diet and the exercise you should be doing. It also looks at meditation, relaxation, and mindfulness techniques and exercises that can help.

Plus, we don’t just aim to help you deal with your fatigue in the short-term. Instead, we want you to deal with your feelings of fatigue over the long-term, maintaining your energy levels into the future.

With our help, you can overcome fatigue.

To get you started we offer a free initial 15-minute consultation. Book your consultation now.

Fatigue Solution in Devonport

It’s okay to feel tired – we all do every now and then. Being fatigued is completely different as fatigue impacts your quality of life. If this applies to you, you need to get a fatigue treatment solution from a team close to where you are in Devonport.

Fatigue Solution Devonport

Our assessments and tests will give us the reasons for your fatigue and excessive or persistent tiredness. How do you know that you are actually fatigued, though?

There are some symptoms you should look out for. Experiencing a couple of these symptoms doesn’t usually mean you are fatigued, plus each can have a cause that is nothing to do with fatigue. However, if you experience four or more of these symptoms, you should seek professional advice from the Beat Fatigue team.

Symptoms of fatigue include:

  • Feeling run down more often than not
  • Being unable to get out of bed in the morning, even when you go to bed early
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Feeling stressed or anxious
  • Struggling to get through the day and getting through everything you need to do
  • Having a lower than normal sex drive
  • Feeling that life is no longer fun
  • Not be able to get back to 100 percent energy levels after being ill
  • Craving unhealthy foods or sugary / high-caffeine drinks or needing them regularly to give you energy

Whatever your concerns about fatigue and the way you are feeling, we are here to help. Working together, you can get back on top of things, you can have higher energy levels, and you can start enjoying life to its fullest again.

Book your 15-minute free consultation today.


Let us help you regain the vitality you want and live life to the max!
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