Do you feel tired all of the time, despite your daily activities, routine diet and how many hours of sleep you get at night? Do you find yourself yawning in the morning, even though you got your full night’s rest and everyone else seems alright? If so, you may be an individual suffering from chronic or adrenal fatigue, and you might want to consider undergoing fatigue treatment.

Unfortunately, in New Zealand, an estimated sixteen thousand to twenty thousand people experience chronics fatigue syndrome. When you constantly feel run-down and exhausted, it may make you feel hopeless and think that you will always be this way. Recent lockdowns, travel restrictions and associated economic uncertainty have only added to a widespread anxiety in our society.

adrenal fatigue

However, do not worry - here at Beat Fatigue, we strive to help New Zealanders fight their chronic or adrenal fatigue and live a happier, more vibrant life. Keep on reading to learn more about this condition and how you can treat it.

What Is Chronic And Adrenal Fatigue?

As stated, if you are always tired and physically exhausted, you may have some form of fatigue. If you do, you should consider undergoing fatigue treatment.

But first - what exactly is fatigue, and why does it affect people? 

The two forms of this condition that we will be focusing on are chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue. Both of these forms of fatigue are similar in symptoms and treatment.

Chronic Fatigue: This form of fatigue is characterised by tiredness that worsens with physical activity and exertion and does not improve with rest. People who suffer from chronic fatigue are seemingly always tired, although most can still function normally in their everyday lives - albeit with a little more difficulty than people who do not have this condition.

This form of fatigue can also cause the individual to experience issues when it comes to thinking and remembering things. The individual may find themselves having trouble remembering what they did earlier. They may enter a room with a purpose only to forget that purpose a few seconds later, and they could have more issues in their daily lives due to this mental difficulty.

Adrenal Fatigue: This particular version of fatigue is similar to chronic fatigue in the way that the person experiencing the condition will constantly feel tired and run-down, despite their daily activities or anything else that would typically affect someone’s energy levels.

However, as its name implies, adrenal fatigue is a form of this condition that correlates to your adrenal glands. Usually, your adrenal glands function to provide your body with specific hormones, such as cortisol, in response to what your body undergoes. Adrenal fatigue, however, is when your adrenal glands underperform and do not produce the hormones you need at the correct levels or at the right times.

While both of these kinds of fatigue can leave you feeling down, both physically and mentally, you should know that there are ways you can undergo fatigue treatment.

How Do I Know If I Am Experiencing Fatigue?

There are differences between being occasionally tired from activities and feeling tired from a fatigue condition. If you usually are spry and energetic but are sometimes tired after doing an activity like working or exercise, that is typically normal, and you should not worry about that.

Although, if you are tired all of the time despite the amount of energy you may or may not have expended, this could be a sign of fatigue.

At Beat Fatigue, we have created a fifty-question questionnaire for you to fill out for free that could help you determine whether or not you have adrenal fatigue.

After taking this test, if you suspect that you may have fatigue, you can seek fatigue treatment by contacting us and speaking to our consultants.

How Can I Remedy Chronic And Adrenal Fatigue?

There are several different options you can choose from to try and lessen your fatigue symptoms.

If you would like to try and tackle your issues yourself, you can balance your hormones naturally through specific lifestyle changes. This option includes getting regular exercise, getting enough rest at night, eating a healthy diet and more.

However, if you would like professional help, our Beat Fatigue consultants are more than happy to assist you. If you choose to undergo our programme, we will first assess your specific situation to determine the best way that we can help you. Then, through questions, blood tests, thyroid tests and more, we will figure out the kind of fatigue that you are experiencing.

Once that is determined, we will begin to work out a plan to help you get back on your feet. This could include medication, a change of diet, lifestyle changes and exercise.

Fatigue treatment will not fix your issues immediately, so we recommend that you stick to your program because it will improve your life in the long run.

Where Can I Get Help For My Fatigue?

Overall, the absolute best way to fight your fatigue is to speak to an expert and receive professional help. Here at Beat Fatigue, our consultants will assess your situation and offer you the support you deserve. So, if you would like to start your journey towards a happier, more active life, please get in touch with us at +64 (09) 488 0208 to speak to a professional now!

At Beat Fatigue, our goal is to help New Zealanders overcome their condition and regain their energy. Don’t stay down in the dumps; let us help you beat your fatigue!

The Adrenal Fatigue Test

  • This assessment will take approximately 10 minutes and consists of 50 questions.
  • All questions need to be answered.
  • If at any time you need some help please ring Global Health Clinics on 09 488-0208.
  • The results will automatically be emailed to you at the end of the test. We may give you a no-obligation follow-up call to discuss your results.
  •  This assessment is not a diagnosis of medical illness. For serious health concerns your first contact should always be your doctor.


Please answer ALL the questions.

James L Wilson Adrenal Fatigue Assessment

Tell us a little about yourself.


Do you feel tired all the time? Are you constantly feeling drained, no matter how many hours of sleep you get every night? If so, you may, unfortunately, be an individual suffering from chronic fatigue.

If you have never heard of this condition before, you might be confused right now. Don’t worry - keep reading to learn all about this kind of fatigue. 

What Is Chronic Fatigue?

Chronic Fatigue - Symptoms, Treatment & Causes

Fatigue is something everyone undergoes at some point throughout their day. For example, when you get home from a long day, finish a hard workout or finish a long walk, you will experience fatigue and feel tired from the energy you exerted. It is, of course, natural to feel exhausted from strenuous activities.

However, if you feel this tiredness all the time, even without undergoing physical activities, you may be experiencing chronic fatigue.

This condition is where an individual is constantly tired and weary, even when getting enough rest. As a result, they will have lowered ability to conduct activities that they were once able to participate in, mental and physical activities worsen the problem, and they also have issues sleeping. 

Symptoms Of Fatigue

Roughly 16,000-20,000 New Zealanders suffer from this form of fatigue. If you identify with the following symptoms, you may be one of them.

You are tired All The Time. If you constantly find yourself tired or wanting to go back to bed, even though you have not participated in strenuous activity or even if you had just woken up, this can be concerning.

One of the most prominent symptoms of chronic fatigue is being regularly tired, even if you have seemingly done nothing to expend your energy. Unfortunately, this symptom can have a negative impact on your productivity in everyday life. 

Memory And Thinking Issues. Have you ever gone into a room, only to immediately forget why you were there? While this happening occasionally is natural, if it constantly happens every day, this could be a sign of fatigue.

Fatigue can result in the individual having trouble recalling memories or issues thinking correctly. Just like being tired all of the time, this can negatively affect your life.

Issues Worsen When Standing Or Sitting. If you find that your tiredness or memory difficulties worsen when you stand up or sit down, this could also be a symptom. 

Treatment For Fatigue

If you suspect that you suffer from chronic fatigue, you have a handful of options to choose from. While there is no solution that will instantly bring back your energy and restore you to your normal state, there are programmes you can participate in that have a chance of improving your condition. 

First of all, the best way you can assess your situation is to speak to a professional. If you would like an expert’s opinion, our Beat Fatigue consultants will be happy to talk to you about your situation. If you are interested, we also offer free five minute consultations.

During our programme, we will first assess your situation. Then, we will try to determine if you have fatigue through questionnaires, state of the art hair follicle assessment, blood oxygen tests, and thyroid tests.

After that, we will design a plan for you that includes diet, medication, exercise and lifestyle habits that will help you avoid stress and boost your energy. You may choose to take supplements and even receive help dealing with emotional factors that may be worsening your symptoms.

We offer a three-month, six-month, or twelve-month programme for you to choose from. Reversing your symptoms will take time, so we encourage you to keep working on yourself to improve your life.

Alternatively to medication or supplements, you can also try to improve your condition naturally. You can make several different changes in your life to improve your energy levels; let us help you on your journey to a more active life. 

Causes Of Fatigue

Although we have constructed programmes to help individuals suffering from chronic fatigue fight their symptoms, no one really knows the specific cause of this form of fatigue. However, the reason is most likely a combination of lifestyle and environmental factors, nutrition, stress, compromised immune system, or compromised Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis.

Whatever the cause, this condition will cause your cells to produce less cellular energy and result in you having reduced energy for your daily activities.

Think You Have Chronic Fatigue? Contact Us Now!

If those symptoms sound familiar, you can take our free fatigue questionnaire or book a free 5 minute consult. To learn more or to get help, contact us at +64 (09) 488 0208.

At Beat Fatigue, we help New Zealanders identify their types of fatigue and lead them to a better life. Let us help you regain your energy and once again find zest for life.

Are you tired all the time despite making sure you get enough sleep each night? Do you often find yourself reaching for your coffee, questioning why you are so tired at this time of day? If the answer to these questions is yes, then adrenal fatigue may be a very real problem for you. Read on to learn more and possibly take an adrenal fatigue test yourself.

What Are Adrenal Glands?

5 Signs - How do I know if I have adrenal fatigue

Your adrenals are a pair of small triangular glands that rest upon your kidneys. They produce and distribute hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. Cortisol helps manage various bodily factors, including your blood pressure, blood sugar, nervous system and immune system. It even gives you energy.

Your adrenal glands can become active in response to stress and release cortisol and adrenaline in response to challenging situations.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

Just like the other parts of your body, when your adrenal glands become overworked, they can undergo fatigue and become less productive. If you live a high-stress lifestyle, your adrenal glands are constantly forced to work harder, making them less and less effective over time. It becomes especially tricky for your adrenal glands to produce cortisol at the right times and correct levels.

When your body is undergoing stress, it uses different chemical substances at different levels. These altered measurements can affect how your adrenal glands function as hormone producers. You can try to fight adrenal fatigue with cortisol replacement therapy, but this can be dangerous.

For a natural and less risky solution, you can try to beat adrenal fatigue naturally using our helpful guide.

Wondering if you might be suffering from adrenal fatigue yourself? Just read on to see if you identify with any of the following symptoms.

1. Poor Sleep

Do you ever wake up in the morning and find yourself still tired, even if you have gotten a full night’s rest? This can be a result of adrenal fatigue. Your adrenal glands help you manage your energy by releasing cortisol, which helps people stay energetic and spry in the morning.

However, if your body has trouble producing cortisol correctly and in the necessary amounts, this can mess with your energy levels. Normally, cortisol boosts your energy levels in the morning, when you need to get up and face the day. Your cortisol and energy levels deplete throughout the day until you finally lay down for a cozy night’s rest.

When you suffer from adrenal fatigue, this can be flipped around. You could wake up with no energy and then find yourself wide awake at night, wondering why you cannot sleep.

2. Irregular Stress Response

Your adrenal glands respond when your body experiences stress. When you are stressed all the time, your adrenal glands become worn out, and their ability to react to stressful situations decreases. If you find yourself constantly in a state of ‘fight-or-flight,’ this could be a sign of adrenal fatigue.

Your adrenal glands are used to releasing hormones on set rhythms, but their routine can be thrown out of whack when they become fatigued. Luckily, methods to naturally balance your hormones do exist and can help. We’ve compiled information on how you can do so here.

3. Overuse of Caffeine

Because adrenal fatigue causes low energy levels, many people respond to this by over-consuming stimulants like caffeine and energy drinks. If you find that you cannot function normally without a cup of coffee at your side, this could be a sign of fatigue. Unfortunately, the sugar in these drinks can lead to unstable blood sugar levels, leading to more stress and ongoing fatigue.

4. Sensitivity to Light

Believe it or not, adrenal fatigue can also make you sensitive to bright light, including both natural sunlight and artificial lights. If you find yourself constantly needing to wear shades or shielding your eyes, you might want to take an adrenal fatigue test to figure out if fatigue is the reason why you have this response to light.

5.Feeling Hungry at Odd Times

People with unusual cortisol levels often find themselves feeling hungry at odd times. You might wake up and not feel hungry at all while everyone else is enjoying breakfast, only for you to become abruptly ravenous in the afternoon. This can lead some people to only drink coffee in place of a substantial breakfast, which can further interrupt your body’s blood sugar and energy levels.

Sounds Like You? Take an Adrenal Fatigue Test

Now that you know what the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue are, you might be wondering whether you have been experiencing adrenal fatigue. That’s why the team at Beat Fatigue have put together a helpful questionnaire for you to assess your symptoms.
Ready to take action and beat fatigue for good? Just click here to learn about our assessment and recovery programs [link to beat fatigue program page] or book a free five-minute consultation with us [link to booking page]. Don’t let adrenal fatigue keep you down - it’s time to feel better and regain your energy today.

We all have stress in our lives, however, most of us accept them as a part of life and carry on without actively managing its effects, this most often leads to chronic illnesses and long term suffering. The direct links between your adrenal glands, stress and your overall well being are widely documented, but why are we so hesitant to understand more and get on top of it?

How Does Stress Affect Health?

According to the American Institute of Stress, up to 90% of all health problems are related to stress, with early ailments such as:

  • Poor digestion
  • Low immunity
  • Compromised reproductive health

Looking at these we can begin to paint a picture of how these ailments can manifest into long term chronic illnesses, often becoming more apparent throughout the functions of our day-to-day lives the longer we ignore them. 

With everyday stress being a major contributor to bigger health issues such as:

  • Chronic stress
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Strokes
  • Cancer
  • Depression
  • Weight Gain
  • Sleep disorders

We can look at these issues and we can begin to see links and patterns stress has to major illnesses. Recognising these illnesses and understanding how they relate to chronic fatigue will enable you to see the signs early on and create an effective plan for restoring your health and vitality. 

What Are The Symptoms?

In this modern-day and age, stress has become rapidly normalised, mismanaged and socially accepted, which is why the early onset symptoms can often be missed. With work and family life constantly competing for your time and attention, we can often get caught up in a whirlwind of what we think of as productivity, this however can eventually result in burnout and chronic fatigue.  

Identifying the markers of stress early on can help you to make small changes in your day-to-day life, incorporating preventative measures will ensure you protect yourself from the long term illnesses brought on by stress and chronic fatigue.

If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms, take a deeper look into how you are managing the stressors in your life. Regaining and retaining your health starts with understanding the signs your body produces when stress is manifesting into something bigger. Do you often feel:

  • Irritable
  • Anxious
  • Depressed
  • Like you suffer from frequent headaches 
  • Plagued by insomnia and difficulty sleeping 

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, it could be time to find a solution that works for you. 

The Long Term Effects Of Stress

Knowing the long term effects of stress and how it is directly affecting your life will enable you to seek the appropriate treatment for your ailments, though doing this you gain a comprehensive understanding of your overall well being. Stress can seriously affect your:

  • Digestion
  • Immunity
  • Growth
  • Ability to heal
  • Reproductive health

Through a detailed analysis of these areas of our bodies, we can begin to see a picture that is far bigger than ‘everyday stress.’ With the American Institute of stress reporting 77% of people to experience symptoms of stress that directly affects their physical health, it’s clear to see how important it is to manage and effectively treat with professional guidance. 

Chronic Fatigue

Feeling fatigued at the end of a long day is normal, without feeling tired we wouldn't hop into bed and sleep a full 8 hours every night. However, when feeling fatigued takes over your day-to-day life and you're not waking up feeling refreshed, it's time to take a look at what else could be going on.

Stress is one of the biggest contributors to chronic fatigue, by directly affecting the productivity of your adrenal glands, your memory, mood, physical health and concentration are all affected.

The function of the adrenal glands is to produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure and response to stress, which is why they are so important for your vitality and wellbeing. Your adrenal glands can produce the essential hormones necessary to keep your body at its fittest. 

You may be experiencing chronic fatigue if you have noticed the following:

  1. Feeling tired for no reason, especially in the early morning. 
  2. You're having trouble waking up in the morning, even after a full night’s sleep.
  3. You're feeling run down most of the time.
  4. You have difficulty bouncing back from illnesses. 
  5. You’re craving salty or sweet snacks for energy. 

High Energy Is A Natural State

Beating chronic fatigue naturally means taking an invested interest in your health and wellbeing, and the journey begins with undertaking dietary and lifestyle changes that will promote the function of your adrenal glands. By doing this, you will increase your energy levels naturally so your motivation will be naturally restored. 

How To Stop Feeling Stressed:

1. Eat Well

Taking a primary focus on your diet is the first step in mindfully managing your stress and nourishing your body. 

2. Get Enough Sleep

Regenerating yourself through adequate sleep is the most restorative way for you to get on top of chronic stress.

3. Exercise

Get your endorphins pumping by moving more, this will have a rippling effect for the other areas of your life, giving you more sustained energy and stamina. 

4. Meditate

Set time for yourself. Stop and pause at least once a week will have numerous benefits on your mental wellbeing and physical strength.

5. Connect With Loved Ones

Meaningful human connection plays a big part in the way we respond to and manage stress. Taking time to talk to and spend time with your loved ones will make you feel calmer and will foster a sense of meaning to your health and wellbeing. 

Looking For The Answer?

If you are worried about the effects stress is having on your life, you should seek advice from an experienced professional. The team at Beat Fatigue work with stress and its ongoing ailments every day, they can provide you with ongoing support and treatment that works. Get in touch today on +64 (09) 488 0208.

Are you sick of feeling tired and exhausted every day? Are you lacking the stamina, vitality and lust for life you once had? In most cases, feeling like this is a result of impaired adrenal gland function, and is causing you to suffer from chronic fatigue.

How To Beat Chronic Fatigue Naturally

Did you know that there are proven ways to naturally diagnose and treat chronic fatigue without harmful pharmaceuticals or surgical intervention? Successfully optimising your adrenal glands through proven natural treatments will ensure you combat chronic fatigue and regain your health, vitality and metabolic function.

Understanding what the adrenal glands do and what natural treatments are available to improve their function is the key to successfully treating and overcoming chronic fatigue.

Adrenal Glands

Your adrenal glands are triangular-shaped glands situated just above the kidneys, they are a powerhouse that produces hormones to regulate your metabolism, immune system and blood pressure. Suffering from adrenal fatigue can often take many forms, but symptoms will include one or more of the following: 

  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Irritability, moodiness or depression.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Muscle and bone weakness.
  • High blood sugars.
  • Skin problems.
  • Weight gain.

Amongst these, chronic fatigue is often the first symptom your body will exhibit. If your adrenal glands are unable to perform their function effectively, your body will begin to slow down and produce one or more of these ailments:

  • Feeling unrested after a full night's sleep.
  • Insomnia.
  • Loss of memory.
  • Reduced concentration.
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Frequent headaches.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms we have outlined, taking a free online test is a great way to learn more about your body and how you can improve your daily life. Taking a simple and straightforward test will provide you with solutions available for regaining your optimum health and vitality. 

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment New Zealand

Diagnosing and treating chronic fatigue can be done safely and effectively through the infusion of natural vitamins and minerals into the body. Undertaking the following tests will pinpoint your specific symptoms and enable you to undergo the right course of natural treatments for you.

A Detailed Hair Follicle Test:

The leading hair follicle test to diagnose chronic fatigue is a non-invasive German technique called the Cell Wellbeing hair analysis. The results from the analysis of your hair follicle will detail the vitamins and minerals present in your body, ensuring a programme is developed to specifically treat and manage your chronic fatigue. 

Through a Cell Wellbeing test, we can map over 800 epigenetic factors inhibiting your energy levels, mood and physical wellbeing. With only four to six strands of hair, the following primary indicators can be measured:

  • 15 of the most common vitamins present in the human body.
  • 23 major groups of antioxidants for immunity and cell repair.
  • The fatty acids omega 3,6,9 essential for cognitive function. 
  • All 23 amino acids for cell repair.
  • 115 food restrictions & food additives inhibiting your body's stamina.
  • 16 everyday minerals essential for your health and vitality.
  • Common pollutants that affect the essential functions of your body.
  • Immune stressors that activate your cortisol levels. 

A Blood Oxygen Test:

The amount of oxygen your blood carries to your brain and the rest of your body can be a key mitigating factor for those suffering from chronic fatigue. When your red blood cells are not carrying enough oxygen to the brain, your symptom may include: 

  • Even the mildest of exercise causes nausea and exhaustion.
  • Standing up or moving too fast causes uneasiness.
  • Sleeping for an extended period, only to feel exhausted upon waking.
  • Low energy, lack of libido and stamina.

A simple blood test will measure the oxygen levels in your blood and a tailored programme is then able to be set up, restoring healthy oxygen levels to your cells, alleviating chronic fatigue. 

A Thyroflex Thyroid Test:

Testing the performance of your main hormone regulator will provide you with a comprehensive and detailed report on its over productivity or inhibited activity. Testing your thyroid is more accurate than a blood test alone as it can reveal:

  • How your metabolism is functioning to create energy.
  • An underactive thyroid, which causes chronic fatigue, low stamina, low mood and brain fog.
  • An overactive thyroid, which leads to irritability, difficulty sleeping and restlessness. 

You can improve the quality of your life by undertaking these simple tests, they will accurately diagnose the specific aspects of your body that contribute to the cause of your chronic fatigue.

Chronic Fatigue Specialist

Booking a consultation with a chronic fatigue specialist who is experienced in providing successful, professional and natural treatments is essential in accurately diagnosing and treating your adrenal function.

The treatment we believe is most effective in successfully managing the function of your adrenals is Dr Wilson’s Adrenal Fatigue Quartet. 

This is the leading natural treatment for chronic fatigue in New Zealand and has been curated by Dr James Wilson, a leading adrenal fatigue doctor. This treatment consists of four scientifically formulated synergistic supplements that provide specialised vitamin, mineral and antioxidant nutrients, combining them with herbal formulas for maximum delivery. 

Dr Wilson's Adrenal Fatigue Quartet focuses on optimising the adrenal glands and supporting their structure within the human body. Book a free 5-minute consultation with a practitioner today to learn more about Dr Wilson's treatment and how it will change the quality of your life.  

Get In Touch With Us

If you are sick of feeling tired and want to start living life to its fullest again, get in touch with us today at +64 (09) 488 0208.

You might be wondering why knowing how to balance your hormones matters. Despite their size, these little chemical messengers play a significant role in controlling your body’s functions. They affect everything from your weight to your mood, to even your appetite!

How To Balance Hormones Naturally

Your hormonal system is known as your endocrine system. It’s so fine-tuned that even slight changes to hormone levels can have significant impacts on your health, both physically and mentally. And in today’s fast-paced world, the constant stress we’re often subject to, as well as changing diets, mean that hormonal balances have become increasingly commonplace.

Fortunately, there are many simple things you can do if you’re interested in knowing how to balance your hormones naturally. In this article, we’ll discuss five great lifestyle changes that will have you feeling and performing at your best.

1. Make Sure To Get Regular Exercise

Physical activity has big impacts on hormone levels throughout your body. For instance, many types of physical activity have been shown to reduce levels of insulin. 

The hormone insulin has many functions, including helping your body get the energy it needs. But high insulin levels have been linked to inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. By reducing your levels of insulin, regular exercise can help prevent you from these dangerous consequences.

If you’re wondering how to balance your hormones naturally, exercise is one of the best changes to adopt. It’s been shown to increase levels of the metabolism-regulating hormone adiponectin and the muscle-maintaining hormones testosterone, IGF-1, DHEA, and growth hormone. Levels of these four hormones naturally decrease with age. That’s why exercise can improve your strength and quality of life, especially as you get older.

Did you know exercise can help you eat better? Studies have shown that even short exercise sessions help regulate appetite-controlling hormones, helping prevent overeating!

2. Get 7-8 Hours Of Undisturbed Sleep A Night

But exercise can feel challenging when you’re already tired and have a busy schedule. Do you want to know how to balance your hormones with no effort at all?

It’s simple - get more sleep. Ensuring you regularly get a full 7-8 hours of sleep a night can help regulate your body’s endocrine system. This is because the quality of your sleep can lead to shifts in your levels of hormones. Studies have shown that these changes can lead to problems with appetite, obesity, and diabetes.

Proper sleep affects more than just what you eat. Your hormones work on a schedule, and that’s why your circadian rhythm - your sleep-wake cycle - has impacts on all sorts of hormones, including cortisol, which is also known as the ‘stress’ hormone. 

When it comes to considering how to balance your hormone levels, even your bedtime matters. As cortisol levels are regulated at midnight, this means that if you go to bed late, you never really get a rest from your fight or flight response.

Poor sleep has also been linked to reduced immunity and a greater risk of anxiety and depression. On the other hand, proper rest can help build energy and allow your body to recover properly.

If you’re struggling to get enough sleep, try taking a warm bath or shower at night. It is also beneficial to turn off electronics or avoid looking at screens an hour before bed.

3. Find Your Inner Calm - Take The Time To De-Stress

Are you worrying about how to balance your hormones? Calm down. No, really - chronic stress is bad for your endocrine system. 

It can both create hormone imbalances and exacerbate existing ones. In contrast, research has shown that regularly practising de-stressing techniques can improve your insulin levels and reduce your stress levels.

Even low levels of stress can lead to increases in adrenaline and cortisol. High levels of these hormones can disrupt your body’s balance and increase your risks of obesity, changes in mood, and even heart disease!

The right stress-reduction technique is the one that works for you. Yoga, meditation, or going for a long walk in the park are all great options if you’re wondering how to balance your hormones, and reduce stress, too.

4. Complement your Hormone Balance Supplements - Drink Green Tea

Green tea is more than a trendy beverage - it’s really good for you. It contains numerous compounds that have positive effects on your body. For instance, the caffeine found in green tea boosts the metabolism. This traditional drink also contains antioxidants, such as epigallocatechin gallate, which offer numerous health benefits.

Research has suggested that green tea can lower insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity - even in people with insulin-resistant conditions, such as obesity or diabetes!

Drinking one to three cups of green tea a day is an excellent option if you want to know how to balance your hormones using this delicious drink. Plus, the antioxidants and compounds found in it will boost your metabolic health and calm you down. 

5. Choose The Right Diet For Your Hormonal Imbalance

What you put into your body has a big impact on how you feel.

Avoiding or minimising your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates can have a significant impact on helping your hormones function better. This will also help you avoid diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

For instance, the sugar fructose (which is table sugar, honey and maple syrup) can increase insulin levels. Wondering how else to balance your hormones by tweaking your diet? Follow a low to moderate carbohydrate diet based on whole foods instead.

As you can see, a few simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference on how your body feels and functions. 

If you need a little more help, just turn to the Global Health Clinics team. Please get in touch with us now at +64 (09) 488 0208 to learn more about our Beat Fatigue programme - the scientific backed, natural way to overcome adrenal and chronic fatigue and get your hormones back in balance.

Do you wake up feeling nauseous in the mornings, wondering to yourself “why do I get sick easily?” You aren’t alone. Contrary to popular belief, morning sickness doesn’t just affect pregnant women.

Wonder “Why do I feel sick after sleeping?”

There are many possible reasons why you might feel sick after a night’s sleep, which we’ll discuss in the article below. These include psychological factors like stress and anxiety, dietary issues like dehydration and low blood sugar, and fatigue. Just read on to learn more.

1. Stress

Stress might seem to be a purely psychological issue, but it has many effects on the physical body, too. One of the physical consequences of stress is the production of excess stomach acids. These acids irritate the stomach lining, which can then trigger feelings of nausea. 

This means that, ironically, obsessing over the question “why do I get sick easily” could be worsening your feelings of nausea. If you’ve been under a lot of stress recently or experienced chronic fatigue, look at our other blog for 5 top tips on reducing stress.

2. Dehydration

When we sleep, we go for many hours without drinking water, and this dehydration can trigger feelings of nausea in the morning. Some actions, like drinking alcohol or caffeine immediately before you sleep, can increase the likelihood of being dehydrated when you wake up.

If you think you might be suffering from dehydration, just drinking some water should help your symptoms settle. Try to stay regularly hydrated throughout the day. If you’re a caffeine addict wondering why do you get sick easily, save your coffee for the morning instead! 

3. Low Blood Sugar Levels

Low levels of glucose in the bloodstream can lead to feelings of nausea. This can happen when you’ve not eaten for several hours. Paradoxically, having a heavy meal before bed can also lead to low blood sugar levels, as it can create an insulin spike that causes blood sugar levels to crash later on. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can also cause low blood sugar levels, as it makes it harder for your liver to release glucose into the blood.

Do you often feel tired and hungry when you wake up? Then have a carbohydrate-based snack to raise your glucose levels. It’s good to pair this with a quality protein and healthy source of fat to help you stay full and prevent another blood sugar drop later in the day, and stop you wondering, “why do I get sick easily?”.

4. Anxiety

Butterflies in your stomach can make you feel sick in the mouth. The morning can be stressful, as you think through everything to do in the day ahead, especially if you have an important event coming up or if you are rushing to get to work or children to school. This can cause high feelings of anxiety, which can lead to feelings of nausea.

Many strategies can help you cope with the symptoms of anxiety. Getting some fresh air can relieve your symptoms, as can drinking peppermint or ginger tea. Healthy distractions, like watching a relaxing movie or reading a book can also help.

5. Hormonal Imbalances

When we feel stressed out, the adrenal glands release levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Levels of cortisol rise naturally in the morning, to help us face the day ahead. Cortisol levels decrease over the course of the day so that we’re relaxed and ready to sleep in the evening. But in our modern world, this natural rhythm can often be thrown out of balance, leaving you wondering, “why do I get sick easily?”.

You can try to fix this imbalance by keeping to a stable routine. Eating set meals at the same time each day and sticking to a regular sleep schedule can help balance your cortisol levels and the levels of other hormones in the body. Remember an hours’ sleep before midnight is worth two hours after.

6. Fatigue

Changes to your body’s sleep-wake cycle caused by jet lag, or sleep issues like insomnia, can affect your circadian rhythm. This can then affect the body’s neuroendocrine response, which can lead to feelings of nausea.

If you have trouble sleeping, establishing a good, reliable sleep routine can help. Try to go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time each morning to create a natural sleep rhythm and stop you wondering why do you get sick easily. You should also try to aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night so that you wake up feeling well-rested. Just one nights’ poor sleep affects over 700 different metabolic responses.

Do you often wonder “Why do I feel sick when I’m tired”? Want to resolve your issues with fatigue once and for all?

If you’re looking for a skilled professional who can help get you performing at your best, the team at Global Health Clinics are here for you. We are practitioners of the Beat Fatigue programme, the natural way to overcome adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue, anxiety, and many of the causes behind the blues. Just contact us at +64 (09) 488 0208 for more information, or to book an appointment. You won’t have to ask yourself “why do I get sick easily?” any longer when you choose us.

Stress can seem like an inevitable part of life in our hectic modern world. So why is it important to know how to reduce stress? Stress can have devastating consequences for our well-being. Nearly 90% of all health problems are related to stress in some way. Chronic stress can even contribute to such catastrophic conditions as heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, cancer, depression and adrenal or chronic fatigue.

With all the terrible consequences stress causes, it’s essential to have a range of proper stress management tools at your disposal. Here are five simple, easy things you can do today to start feeling your very best.

1. Eat Right to Feel Better

What you put into your body matters. Studies show that certain compounds in food can have stress-fighting effects. If you want to know how to reduce stress mentally and physically, eating right is the way to go. By boosting the immune system and lowering blood pressure, a healthy diet can help your body recover from stress, too.

Polyphenols found in green leafy vegetables and carotenoids in brightly coloured ones like capsicums and kumara have been shown to have stress-fighting effects. Foods high in vitamin C, like citrus fruits, can help lower the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Some foods can boost your levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which stimulates feelings of calm. These include complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Don’t think you have to go without indulging - delicious dark chocolate has been shown to reduce stress at a molecular level!

Stress increases our needs for nutrients especially amino acids, vitamins B and C, essential fatty acids and minerals like magnesium, manganese and zinc. It's advisable to get an epigenetics test to assess your personal nutritional load. These tests are inexpensive and convenient, as they can now be done online in New Zealand. Knowing what our body needs takes away the guesswork and allows us to optimise our nutrition. 

2. Get Enough Sleep

Want to know how to reduce stress almost immediately? Get more sleep. Research has shown that adults who sleep fewer than eight hours a night sufferer from higher stress levels. They’re also more likely to report feeling irritable, overwhelmed, impatient, and lack interest, motivation, or energy.

Sleep is an essential function - it’s what lets our bodies rest and our brains recharge. When we fail to get enough sleep, our bodies don’t have enough time to perform vital maintenance tasks. Even a little extra sleep makes a difference. Research has shown that most Americans would benefit from improved physical and psychological health with just an additional 60 to 90 minutes a night.

3. Exercise to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

If you’re wondering how to reduce stress while boosting your physical health, exercise is the answer for you. In addition to its tremendous impacts on the body, exercise can also make a real difference to mental well-being.

Research has shown that exercise can reduce levels of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. In contrast, it stimulates the production of endorphins. These brain chemicals are the body’s natural painkillers. They are what’s responsible for the relaxed, optimistic feelings we get after a hard workout.

But you don’t need to be training for the Olympics to feel the stress-reducing impacts of exercise. Almost any form of exercise, including yoga, can help lower your stress levels and feel better. It is important not to over exercise especially if we have adrenal or chronic fatigue as this can have a detrimental effect on stress levels. Exercise helps us feel psychologically better but over exercising drains our energy resources which reduces the production of happiness neurochemicals. 

4. Meditate and Feel Great

Meditation is a form of relaxation focused on awareness of the present moment that can teach you how to reduce stress in the long-term. Meditation aims to acknowledge all your body’s thoughts, feelings, and sensations without reacting to them. Research has shown that it can improve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress. It even enhances attention and memory and can promote self-regulation and empathy.

The best part of meditation is that it can be done by anyone, anytime, anywhere. It requires no special equipment, and you can do it on a walk, on the bus, or while waiting at the doctor’s.

While meditation has thousands of years of history in religious practice, it is commonly used these days in a secular manner, as a tool to practice relaxation. When it comes to knowing how to reduce stress, practitioners of meditation have had a long history to get it right. There are many different types of meditation out there, so there’s sure to be one that works well for you.

If you want to learn to meditate, let our trained experts help.

5. Reach out to your Loved Ones

A strong social support network can play a huge role in fighting stress. It offers you the comfort of knowing you have friends, family, and peers to turn to when things get tough. On the other hand, a lack of social support can lead to isolation and loneliness, leading to a greater risk of health problems.

If you want to know how to reduce stress because of a busy life, don’t worry. Social support doesn’t have to take hours. Quick interactions like short chats, phone calls or coffee breaks are all great ways to develop relationships. Studies have shown that social support offers numerous benefits, like improving your ability to cope with stress, reducing stress, and even lowering cardiovascular disease risks.

But how do you connect with new people if you’ve just moved to a new city? There are many ways to do so. Try volunteering - pick a cause that matters to you, and you’ll meet people with similar interests and values. It’s a great way to learn how to reduce stress while making a difference. You could join a gym or fitness group, take a class, or even find an online social network based around an interest or hobby.

It’s essential to nurture your existing relationships, too! Stay in regular touch, practice good listening, and make sure to be there for your friends and family when they need you, too.

If you’re looking for Auckland’s leading experts to show you how to reduce stress and tension in your life, and optimize your wellbeing, the team at Beat Fatigue are here for you. Contact us at +64 (09) 488 0208, and we’ll help you get started on your journey to living a better life.

Dr. Wilson's Adrenal Fatigue Protocol

As used by thousands of our happy clients in recent years

The Adrenal Fatigue Quartet™

Dr Wilson, the world authority on adrenal fatigue and adrenal function designed these four scientifically formulated and synergistic supplements in the Adrenal Fatigue Quartet. They provide specialized vitamin, mineral and antioxidant nutrients, combined with herbal formulas and natural endocrine building blocks to support optimal adrenal structure and function. This enables the adrenal glands to produce healthy amounts of adrenal system hormones for optimal wellbeing and health. The adrenal system is responsible for over 45 different hormones, linking into the brain including the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, through to the gonads and reproductive system. This programme works beneficially with the body’s own natural processes to protect and enhance health when experiencing stress, as well as chronic and adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal Rebuilder® (90 or 150 caps)
The cornerstone supplement of Dr. Wilson’s program and works at the deepest level over time. It contains a carefully balanced blend of pre-glandular tissue concentrates from glands involved in the stress response. These concentrates are in their natural form but processed to remove hormones. Research has shown that these readily act as building blocks with a natural affinity for like glands. It is more efficient and energy conserving for the body to incorporate already formed components than to construct them from scratch. These highly bioavailable building blocks provide effective, fundamental support to a stress-depleted body, and help fortify and revitalize healthy structure and function in the adrenals and other endocrine glands affected by stress.

Super Adrenal Stress Formula® (90 or 150 caps)
Contains the optimal forms, ratios and quantities of the specific vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy hormone production. These nutrients are expertly formulated to work synergistically in ways that enhance and optimize their activity, and in an integrated sustained-release format that allows them to be gradually absorbed over a period of several hours for maximum cellular absorption and utilization. This unique supplement quickly energizes as it provides immediate, precisely targeted support for each nutrient-dependent step in the complex process of adrenal hormone production.

Adrenal C Formula® (90 or 150 caps)
Designed to meet the increased needs for vitamin C during stress or adrenal fatigue. Stress rapidly uses up vitamin C, especially in the adrenal glands. This unique complex provides high quality vitamin C, bioflavonoids in a 1:2 ratio to optimize vitamin C activity and support adrenal health, plus specific minerals that buffer and reduce the acidity of vitamin C and support the metabolic pathways that produce adrenal hormones. The integrated sustained-release format of these caplets allows the ingredients to be gradually absorbed over a period of several hours to optimize absorption and cellular utilization, and minimize loss through excretion.

Herbal Adrenal Support Formula® (30 or 60 ml)
A liquid herbal composed of four organically grown herbs that act as adaptogens (natural, non-toxic substances that act in the body to support normal function) and work together to facilitate optimal function of the adrenal glands and regulatory mechanisms that control the stress response, such as the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis.

Optimum function of the adrenals and HPA axis promotes sound sleep, steady energy levels and sense of calm, and helps maintain hormone levels during and after menopause. In addition, this unique formula helps promote healthy function of the thyroid gland, which can also be strongly affected by stress.

Dr Wilson’s Adrenal Quartet is a practitioner only product. For new clients, please book a free 5 minute phone consult using the button below so we can ensure that the products are suitable for you.


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