This score indicates you may have a high level of adrenal fatigue.
We understand living with these symptoms on a daily basis can be debilitating, which is why we suggest contacting us at GLOBAL HEALTH CLINICS, your fatigue specialist, to address these symptoms and get you well on your way to feeling better!
Call us on (09) 488 0208 or book a consultation now:
From this point, you want to keep track of:
Levels of energy, fatigue and sleep
- Keep track of levels of tiredness throughout the day. Does this tend to be increasing or decreasing?
- When you sleep are you feeling rested in the morning?
Ability to handle stress and anxiety
- Are you finding yourself getting more anxious over smaller things?
- Is it taking longer to unwind when something does happen?
Things you should be doing.
- Look to immediately reduce stresses in your life
- Put your health before, family, friends and work.
- Remove caffeine from your diet
- The adrenals burn up the body's nutritional reserves when acting to a stress response. Take a closer look at your diet, make healthy improvements and up the amount of vegetables and fruits where possible.
- Considering buying a multivitamin supplement. Vitamin C is essential to the production of adrenal hormones
- Exercise needs to become a part of your day. Enjoyable is much more important than intensity. If just getting started with exercise start gently. Exercise at your own pace. For adrenal health exercise should not become another stressor in your life.
- People with adrenal fatigue tend to have lower blood sugar. When you eat is just as important as what you eat. Eating high quality foods regularly is important.
- Avoid high sugary foods that spike your blood levels. This places additional stress on adrenal reserves.
If you have any questions or would like to make a booking please contact us
*How the scoring works
- A low score is considered under 22.
- An indication of some fatigue of the adrenals is a score between 22-49.
- A moderate degree of adrenal fatigue is indicated at 50-75.
- A high degree of adrenal fatigue is indicted by a score of 75 and above.